Executive Director
Cathy Battle
Cathy Battle
Reverend Phillip and Mrs. Cathy Battle founded the Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank (WPADB) in 2012 while serving the New Light Temple Baptist Church as pastor and First Lady.
Cathy, known by WPADB regulars as “Ms. Cathy," served as the WPADB’s Executive Director on a volunteer basis from 2012 until 2021. During that time she was also a full-time neonatal intensive care respiratory therapist at AHN Forbes Regional Hospital, Monroeville.
In 2021 Ms. Cathy transitioned full-time into her role as the Executive Director of the WPADB. Ms. Cathy is one of the few black women leading such organizations and has been recognized by the Jefferson Foundation for her outstanding efforts in the community. Under Ms. Cathy's leadership, WPADB distributed 2 million diapers and served more than 12,000 families last year.
My story
Over the past five years, WPADB has continued to grow, easing diaper need in Western Pennsylvania despite an ever-increasing demand. Pastor Phillip Battle and his wife Cathy never waver from their commitment to keep babies safe, dry and happy and inspire others to help. Cathy tells the story.