The Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank joins the National Diaper Bank Network in supporting National Diaper Need Awareness Week, Sept. 26-Oct. 3. Help us meet the Huggies 250,000 diaper challenge!
Diapers can be dropped off at the following sites:
Diaper Bank headquarters, New Light Temple Baptist Church, 2546 Centre Ave., Hill District, Thurs., 6-8 pm
Brambler Boutique, 3609 Butler St., Lawrenceville, Mon.- Sat. (call for hours)
First Presbyterian Church, 320 Sixth Ave., downtown, Mon. – Fri., 11 am -2 pm
Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community, 2700 Jane St., South Side, Tues. and Thurs., 4:30-6:30 pm, Sun., 9 am-noon
AHN Forbes Regional Hospital, 2570 Haymaker Rd., Monroeville, Sept. 19-Oct. 3