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Meet Our Partner Agency - The Latin Community Center (LCC)

Cristina Ballarta is the Case Manager for the Latino Community Center. She saw the diaper need for their client families and started researching banks online. The LCC has been a partner of Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank since 2020 and shares how rewarding it has been from the beginning, especially during the pandemic, to be able to provide this service to their families.

The Latino Community Center works to educate, advocate with, and celebrate Latinos in Allegheny County. They offer a variety of services from emergency response services to medical support and educational programs.

Wendy Santos became involved with LCC as a parent through Hello Baby and now works alongside Cristina as a Community Health Worker. She now manages the distribution to the many families that rely on the diapers provided by the partnership with the Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank.

During the pandemic, LCC delivered diapers directly to their families. Wendy credits WPADB with enabling them to serve their clients. “We could not have serviced families throughout the pandemic without the diaper bank. Families were isolated and scared to go out so we were able to deliver diapers to the houses.”

Cristina values the ease of getting necessities for their clients. “I like that our partnership is strong. The ordering process is simple and communication is straightforward. I know that we can always rely on the Diaper Bank.”

In 2021 the LCC has received over 18,000 diapers from WPADB. As one of our 54 partner agencies, we value these partnerships to get diapers into the hands of families in need.

Won’t you choose to join Cristina and Wendy in serving our community with these resources not covered by government assistance?

Your monthly gift of $12 will enable us to serve 12,000 families who rely on these basic necessities.

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