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Diaper Bank Service Model


The Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank (WPADB) functions as an intake point for diapers donated by individuals, community groups and businesses.  WPADB is the connection between these donors and community-based nonprofit social service agencies.


WPADB supplies diapers at no cost for them to distribute free to families of low income.   This establishes a regular distribution channel for the diapers and ensures that they reach families in need. The partner agencies also spread awareness of the program to constituents and potential donors or partners.


WPADB is an affiliate of and works closely with the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that every baby in the United States can be clean, healthy and dry.  NDBN provides free technical and business development assistance to WPADB, which in turn advises other organizations.

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